Albuquerque arroyo photograph

Arroyoland I

Albuquerque arroyo photograph

Arroyoland II

Albuquerque arroyo photograph

Arroyoland III

Albuquerque arroyo photograph

Arroyoland IV

Albuquerque arroyo photograph

Arroyoland V

Albuquerque arroyo photograph

Arroyoland VI

Albuquerque arroyo photograph

Arroyoland VII

Albuquerque arroyo photograph

Arroyoland VIII

Albuquerque arroyo photograph

Arroyoland IX


In the shadow of the Sandia Mountains, the City of Albuquerque has long grappled with the challenges posed by annual flooding. The city's landscape is marked by a network of flood control measures, constructed in a relentless effort to protect urban life from the whims of nature. Yet, despite these interventions, water finds its way, carving paths through the land as it has for millennia.

Arroyoland delves into the friction between these man-made barriers and the natural watercourses they seek to control. Through this exploration, I invite viewers to contemplate the delicate balance between human engineering and the untamed forces of nature. The interface where these two worlds collide serves as a powerful metaphor for our broader relationship with the environment — one characterized by a struggle for dominance and control.

In documenting these landscapes, I seek to highlight the tension and interplay between the natural and the artificial, the ordered and the chaotic. By doing so, I hope to provoke a deeper reflection on our attempts to impose structure on the natural world and the inevitable, often subtle, resistance that nature exerts in return. This work is a meditation on the consequences of our desire to dominate nature and the enduring power of the natural world to reclaim its course.

Arroyoland Zine Cover

Arroyoland Zine Cover

This zine represents a collaborative journey between Justin Thor Simenson and myself. As we dove into the same subject, our individual approaches naturally began to intersect, creating a dialogue between our distinct visions. What began as a personal exploration evolved into a shared conversation, where each image responded to the other, revealing new layers of meaning and perspective.

Through this collaboration, we discovered the power of contrast and harmony, as our different interpretations of the same subject came together to form a more nuanced narrative. This zine is not simply a collection of images; it is a testament to the creative exchange that emerges when two artists engage with a simliar theme. It celebrates the richness that collaboration brings, showing that even in our differences, there is a profound connection.

Arroyoland Zine Interior

Arroyoland Zine Interior I

Arroyoland Zine Interior

Arroyoland Zine Interior II

Arroyoland Zine Interior

Arroyoland Zine Interior III